The Holistic Counseling Center of Long Island is certified to provide clinical hypnosis services.

The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis

The Holistic Counseling Center of Long Island is a member of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH).

All members of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis must be licensed healthcare workers and at a minimum, hold a doctorate, PA Certification, APRN, CRNA or masters degree in a health care discipline considered appropriate by the Society. The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) was founded by Milton H. Erickson, MD in 1957 and promotes greater acceptance of hypnosis as a clinical tool.

Hypnosis has tremendous utility to a range of audiences.

Hypnosis services offer a pathway to expedite and intensify the healing power of your clinical therapy including but not limited to:


Specially trained and certified hypnotherapists can make use of clinical hypnosis to treat those living with anxiety through relaxation techniques and helping people reframe their anxiety or situation while under hypnotic trance. There has been a great deal of research done on the effectiveness of hypnosis services / hypnotherapy for treating anxiety disorders.

Hypnosis by itself and as an adjunct to other treatments has been proven to help calm anxiety in cancer patients, burn patients, and other anxiety issues such as pre-test anxiety.

  • A meta-analysis from 2018 reviewed the findings of almost 400 records, 15 studies, and 17 trials of hypnosis for controlling the symptoms of anxiety. They concluded that hypnosis was more effective in treating anxiety than other methods alone. At the end of treatment, the average participant in the 17 trials reported more reduced anxiety than 79% of the control groups.
  • A 2018 study of burn wound patients found that hypnosis was highly effective in managing pain and reducing the secondary symptoms of anxiety.
  • Another peer-reviewed study from 2018 of cancer patients concluded that the group receiving hypnosis as an adjunct treatment showed statistically significant reduction in symptoms of pain and anxiety. They further went on the say that hypnosis can be considered effective for controlling anxiety in cancer patients and other chronic illnesses.
  • A 2010 meta-analysis concluded that a “tremendous volume of research provides compelling evidence that hypnosis is an efficacious treatment for state anxiety (e.g., prior to tests, surgery and medical procedures) and anxiety-related disorders, such as headaches and irritable bowel syndrome.” The study also concluded that hypnosis showed promising results for treating general anxiety disorder but that more research was needed. source


Studies have shown hypnotism to be more effective than simply therapy or a placebo when dealing with substance abuse disorders, behavioral addictions and even chronic pain. source

Athletic Performance

Sports hypnosis, or guided imagery, refers to the use of hypnotherapy with athletes in order to enhance sporting performance. Hypnosis in sports has therapeutic and performance-enhancing functions. The mental state of athletes during training and competition is said to impact performance. Hypnosis is a form of mental training and can therefore contribute to enhancing athletic execution. Sports hypnosis is used by athletes, coaches and psychologists.


Hypnosis services for depression takes a natural approach to problem-solving. By entering the physically and mentally-relaxed state of hypnosis, people are easily able to make emotional and behavioral changes. In conjunction with other therapies, hypnotherapy has been shown to be effective at treating depression, as well as anxiety and seasonal affective disorder.

3 Benefits of Hypnosis for Beating Depression:

  1. It’s drug free: Pharmacological solutions are common when treating depression, but these carry the risk of unpleasant side effects life sleep problems, sexual side effects, and in some cases may make the mood disorder even worse.
  2. It’s safe: Hypnosis is a non-invasive form of treatment. In addition, the person in trance is always aware of their experience and is in no danger of doing anything against their will.
  3. It’s self-empowering: Most hypnotherapy treatments will include learning some form of self-hypnosis. This is an effective way of treating many issues and allows the person to take their mental health and well-being into their own hands.


Hypnosis for sleep may be combined with other types of treatment. For example, it can be used alongside cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), a form of counseling that reframes negative thinking about sleep. Sleep hypnosis may also promote sleep hygiene improvements to develop healthier sleep-related routines.

By encouraging relaxation and creating an opportunity to reorient thoughts and emotions, hypnosis may be a useful tool in enhancing sleep for people with conditions like insomnia.

Hypnotherapy may reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, both of which are strongly correlated with sleeping problems. It has been employed to treat pain as well, which can also cause disturbed sleep. An analysis of the existing research found that the majority of studies reported better sleep in people receiving hypnotherapy. source

Concentration Difficulties, Test Anxiety, Learning Disorders

Learning is the process of gathering information effectively through the senses, storing it in the subconscious mind in such a way that it can be retrieved again and then conditioning the mind to be able to retrieve it. And as with anything that involves the subconscious mind, hypnosis can help. There are many factors which can affect concentration and make learning more of a challenge: anxiety, depression, emotional trauma and stressful events to name just a few.

Hypnosis can help you learn more quickly, retain information more fully and access it more reliably. It may also help improve concentration and focus. Also, factors such as self-esteem and limiting beliefs can get in the way of a person’s ability to learn.

  • Increase the ability to concentrate and focus.
  • Improve the ability to retain, recall, remember.
  • Create an effective mindset for studying.
  • Control emotions, anxiety, stress.
  • Enhance motivation and enthusiasm for learning.
  • Increase self-esteem, confidence, and self efficiency.
  • Resolve negative thought patterns.
  • Improve quality of sleep.
  • Encourage healthy eating habits that affect cognition and productivity.

The important thing is to remember you are not alone. Exam stress and nerves can affect anyone. Age and experience do not matter. Whether you are a student or a professional, any of these things can happen to you. Through hypnosis, you can find a way to overcome it.

Eating Disorders, Obesity, Weight Control

We’ll give you the motivation to lose weight, exercise, and keep the weight off for good. High food impulsiveness, impaired food reward and stress response are involved in the phenomena of weight gain and resistance at weight loss. Henceforth, hypnosis is a complementary medicine which is recognized as effective for defined indications. source


Phobias are far more common than many people realize. People with phobias experience unwanted responses to animals, insects, objects, actions or places. The physical response is known as a stress response. People often describe their reaction to something as being ‘paralyzed with fear’ or ‘having butterflies in my stomach’ or ‘just wanting to run away’ from whatever is triggering the response. Those with phobias often know that their response is irrational, making it harder to understand or accept. People often manage their phobia on a day-to-day basis by avoiding the trigger and they only contact a hypnotherapist when it becomes a serious problem or significantly impacts on their life. Sometimes people are prompted to take action because they don’t want to pass on their phobia to their children. source

The most common phobias seen by hypnotherapists are:

  • Fear of confined spaces
  • Fear of dentists
  • Fear of dogs
  • Fear of flying
  • Fear of heights
  • Fear of needles
  • Fear of pregnancy
  • Fear of sickness
  • Fear of spiders and other insects
  • Fear of water

Trauma / PTSD

Bring involuntary flashbacks of the stressful event under your conscious control. Hypnotherapy for PTSD is an evidence-based treatment and can effectively treat the symptoms as well as the underlying causes. Hypnotherapy provides controlled access to memories that may otherwise be kept out of consciousness. New uses of hypnosis in the psychotherapy of PTSD victims involve coupling access to the dissociated traumatic memories with positive restructuring of those memories. source

Stress Management

Stress relief without drugs or alcohol! Deal with stress in a healthy and positive way. Hypnosis for stress relief is a mind-body approach that involves powerful visualization exercises that show you how to take control of and instantly let go of stress.

~ Pain
~ Sexual Dysfunction

Once you can control your fears, eliminate your bad habits, and get in touch with your subconscious, you will never have thoughts of doubt or worry that float around in the back of your mind. It’s time for you to utilize hypnosis to realize where you are and take the actions necessary to reach your goals and desires.

Contact us for more info. on our hypnosis services.

Contact The Holistic Counseling Center
565 Rt 25A, Suite LR4, Miller Place, NY 11764
(631) 248-1727

Office Hours:

Monday 12 – 7 pm
Tuesday 12 – 9 pm
Wednesday 12 – 8 pm
Thursday 12 – 9 pm
Friday 12 – 7 pm

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hypnosis in Long Island
Addictions | Anxiety | Depression | Hypnosis | Trauma

Long Island Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy

Long Island Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy – 565 RT. 25A, MILLER PLACE, NEW YORK Make the changes to live the life you want today! This process is completely natural with no drugs, no cravings, and no withdrawal. The Holistic Counseling Center of Long Island is a member of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH). All members of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis must be licensed … Read More

counseling for drug addiction
Addictions | Hypnosis | Individual Counseling

Mental Health Counseling for Drug Addiction with 100% Privacy

In a society that places so much pressure on each of us, drug addiction has become an increasingly common problem. The effects of drug addiction can be far reaching, having an impact on every aspect of life from work performance to family relationships. Whether the addiction is for medicinal or recreational substances, finding a solution to the problem is essential for enabling the sufferer to find … Read More